Hachishakusama: The Eight-Foot-Tall Terror of Japanese Nightmares

Eath Ashen
3 min readMar 19, 2024


The flickering fluorescent lights hum overhead, casting long, distorted shadows across the abandoned classroom. Dust motes dance in the pale light, and a sense of unease prickles at the back of your neck. Suddenly, a bloodcurdling whisper chills the air: “Po…Po…Po…” Do you dare investigate? According to Japanese folklore, this could be the chilling call of Hachishakusama, the Eight-Foot-Tall Woman.

A Nightmarish Specter:

Hachishakusama, translating literally to “Eight-Foot-Tall Woman,” is a terrifying apparition that haunts the fringes of Japanese folklore. Towering over eight feet tall, she is a skeletal figure draped in a tattered white kimono that hangs loosely on her gaunt frame. Her long, black hair cascades down her face, often obscuring emotionless eyes or, in some variations, glowing red orbs that pierce the darkness. The very image of Hachishakusama evokes a sense of dread, a monstrous reminder that some places are best left undisturbed.

Uncertain Origins and Whispered Legends:

The exact origin story of Hachishakusama is shrouded in mystery, adding to the unsettling aura that surrounds her. Some whispers claim she is the vengeful spirit of a woman who was brutally murdered or who died tragically during childbirth. Others believe she is a manifestation of the fear and loneliness children experience in desolate places like abandoned schools and hospitals. Perhaps her form embodies the collective anxieties of a society where childhood vulnerability meets the harsh realities of the world.

A Vengeful Protector or a Malevolent Force?

The nature of Hachishakusama’s wrath is as enigmatic as her origins. Legends paint her as a vengeful spirit who preys on unsuspecting children, particularly those who are alone, disobedient, or engage in bullying. Some stories claim she snatches misbehaving children or those who wander off unsupervised. Others describe her long, black hair acting as a chilling snare, ensnaring unsuspecting victims. The “Po…Po…Po…” sound is said to be her approach, a haunting prelude to a horrifying encounter.

However, there are also interpretations that view Hachishakusama as a protector, albeit a harsh one. Her wrath might be directed towards those who mistreat or endanger children. The legend can be seen as a way to ensure children’s safety and well-being, a chilling reminder lurking in the shadows to deter bullies and encourage good behavior.

Avoiding the Eight-Foot Menace:

Japanese folklore offers various methods to ward off Hachishakusama. Staying in groups and avoiding abandoned buildings, especially at night, are considered wise precautions. Children are sometimes advised to wear amulets or carry bells, the sound believed to repel the evil spirit. Respectful behavior and avoiding bullying are also said to appease Hachishakusama’s vengeful spirit.

A Haunting Legacy:

The Hachishakusama remains a potent symbol in Japanese horror. Her image has been depicted in folklore, literature, and even modern horror movies, a chilling reminder of the supernatural lurking just beyond the veil. The legend serves as a cautionary tale for children and a reminder of the importance of respecting boundaries and traditions.

Beyond the Shivers: A Reflection of Society

The enduring legacy of Hachishakusama transcends mere chills. She can be seen as a reflection of societal anxieties. Is she a vengeful spirit symbolizing the tragic loss of life during childbirth? Or perhaps a manifestation of the fear of children being left alone in a world that can be harsh and unforgiving?

Whether protector or vengeful spirit, Hachishakusama’s eight-foot frame continues to cast a long shadow across Japanese folklore. She serves as a chilling reminder of the power of stories to shape our perception of the world, the unseen forces that might lurk in the darkness, and the importance of safeguarding those who cannot protect themselves.

Originally published at https://mysterylens.blogspot.com on March 19, 2024.



Eath Ashen

I am Eath Ashen a University Student doing major in Computer Science and Engineering and I am thrilled to have you join me as we dive into a world of curiosity